Here is a database of theses by MAS Alumni. The database allows you to filter your search based on the year in which the thesis was published. If you are looking for a thesis with a specific theme or topic, you can also use the search tool on the right side of our menu. Moreover, if you studied Medical Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and would you like to submit your thesis to be added to our database, please feel free to do so using this form.
MAS Thesis Database
Here is a database of theses by MAS Alumni. The database allows you to filter your search based on the year in which the thesis was published. If you are looking for a thesis with a specific theme or topic, you can also use the search tool on the right side of our menu. Moreover, if you studied Medical Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Amsterdam and would you like to submit your thesis to be added to our database, please feel free to do so here.