The Politics of Abortion Care in Buenos Aires: Understanding Abortion Care Practices within a Context of a Political Debate to Legalize Abortion

The Politics of Abortion Care in Buenos Aires: Understanding Abortion Care Practices within a Context of a Political Debate to Legalize Abortion

Noch hier, evenmin daar. De invloed van de ongedocumenteerde status op de mentale gezondheid van ongedocumenteerde migranten in Groningen

Noch hier, evenmin daar. De invloed van de ongedocumenteerde status op de mentale gezondheid van ongedocumenteerde migranten in Groningen

Assessing Motherhood: The construction, assessment, and management of ‘vulnerable’ pregnant women by Dutch care providers

Assessing Motherhood: The construction, assessment, and management of ‘vulnerable’ pregnant women by Dutch care providers

How do parents make sense of HPV vaccination information? A qualitative study comparing the experiences of educated parents from Berlin and Amsterdam

How do parents make sense of HPV vaccination information? A qualitative study comparing the experiences of educated parents from Berlin and Amsterdam

Evolution of a pandemic: Risk and Sense-making processes during the Covid-19 crisis

Evolution of a pandemic: Risk and Sense-making processes during the Covid-19 crisis